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(2) REGULAR size Paw Sponge for $12 + get 1 FREE (3 total Sponges), plus $3 ship & process - TOTAL = $15.00
(2) LARGE size Paw Sponge for $12 + get 1 FREE (3 total Sponges), plus $3 ship & process - TOTAL = $15.00
ADD2 SPECIAL OFFER!! - ADD (2) more Sponges for a Friend/Family member for just $6 more !!! >>>>
TAX1 California Residents MUST add this 90 cents sales tax @ 7.5% to your cart >>>>
Shipments Outside of U.S. MUST add this $10 premium to your cart or order will NOT be processed >>>>

Click "View Cart" at anytime to see and process your order >>>>